Nowadays, a person is faced with a large amount of information every day. One of the main sources of such information is the Internet. The goal of our project is to provide an easy and reliable way to check your work for uniqueness and determine if it is a partial or complete copy of another article that is already on the Internet.
What is anti-plagiarism?
Surely you have ever faced the task of writing an article or research paper. Perhaps you are a teacher and would like to evaluate the work of your student, did he really write it? It's worth starting with the assessment of uniqueness. It makes no sense to check the work if it is plagiarism.
If you are an author, you should ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the percentage of uniqueness of my text?
- Will I have problems with the anti-plagiarism system in my university?
- Is there any work that partially or completely coincides with mine?
On the other hand, the inspector (for example, a university teacher) should ask the following questions:
- Did the student write their own work?
- What percentage of the text is borrowed?
- Did the author use paraphrasing to hide the plagiarism?
Anti-plagiarism service will help answer these questions.
Anti-plagiarism online is a service that, using the author's algorithm, which looks for matches with any open sources on the Internet, will provide you with a complete report on the presence of plagiarism in your work in a few minutes. The algorithm searches not only for a direct match in the text, but also for paraphrasing attempts.
How to check your work for plagiarism online?
First you need to upload a file with the text that you would like to check, you can do this after a simple
In many services there is an option to add a link to exceptions. This may be necessary if your work has already been published somewhere on the Internet. If you use this option, the algorithm will not consider fragments of your text found exclusively on this site as plagiarism.
After uploading the file, you will have to wait a bit while the algorithm works. Usually it takes no longer than 1-2 minutes, it all depends on the size of your document.
After the verification is completed, a detailed report will be available at the link. That's all.
So, in this article, you have learned why anti-plagiarism services are needed and how they work. If you are faced with the need to write an author's work or would like to know how unique the work that you have been provided is, you need an anti-plagiarism service.